Members Advocate for their Services

Members Go the Extra Mile to Advocate for their Services

LIFEPlan members depend on Care Management Services funded through OPWDD. Now, OPWDD is planning to cut another 23% from the CCOs’ budget after a 16% cut in late 2020. In just over 2 years, OPWDD has backtracked on its support of the CCOs, a system which they created!

As a result, LIFEPlan members are beginning to speak up on behalf of their services and communities. Colby, Mohawk Valley member, wrote his own personal letter to his legislators. Within his letter he made a powerful point.

“Attached is a picture of myself and my family, to show you these proposed cuts are not just taking away from agencies and organizations, it’s taking essential services away from people, human beings. Leaving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities at a major disadvantage.”

If these drastic and unnecessary cuts occur, LIFEPlan members will see:

-A negative impact on the quality of care management, and increased service response times
-A reduction in essential trainings for Care Managers
-A decrease in clinical supports services for a member’s medical, behavioral, and dental care management
-Lack of network development of providers of medical and mental health services
-Other negative consequences

LIFEPlan Member and Family Advisory Councils also shared their voice in a personal letter to legislators which we have provided to all of our members.

In short, your Member or Family Voice is NEEDED to stop these funding cuts.  Go to this easy to use Advocacy Center and tell your Legislator in one click to help us.
Share this message with families and friends. Every NYS taxpayer can help!