Recordatorios para proveedores

Gestión de incidentes e informes del Centro de Justicia

When an incident is reported to a Care Manager, they are trained to contact the CCO’s Incident Management Department as soon as possible to ensure immediate protections are implemented for the member. If the Care Manager is the first party to discover an incident or allegation that occurred in a certified setting, Incident Management will direct the Care Manager to make the initial report to the Justice Center.

Una vez que el Centro de Justicia haya aceptado la denuncia, el Departamento de Gestión de Incidentes notificará al entorno certificado del miembro para garantizar su protección inmediata e informarle de la acusación. Si un proveedor denuncia un incidente al Centro de Justicia, esa información debe facilitarse al gestor de cuidados para que realice un seguimiento con el Departamento de Gestión de Incidentes de la CCO.

Más información sobre la gestión de incidentes de LIFEPlan.

Los miembros del grupo Willowbrook y el CMOR

During the Public Health Emergency (PHE), the Care Management Observation Report (CMOR) requirements were waived to protect Willowbrook Class Members from exposure to COVID-19. This flexibility ended on November 11, 2023, and Care Managers must complete the CMOR twice a year. One of the two CMORs must be completed with the member’s representative from the Consumer Advisory Board (CAB), if applicable. If concerns are noted during a CMOR observation, the Care Manager is required to follow up until the concern is resolved. Please keep in mind that these are the requirements of the Willowbrook Permanent Injunction and cannot be waived or circumvented. We ask that Providers work with the Care Management team to ensure follow-up occurs promptly.

Más información sobre el CMOR.