Medicaid recertifikacija

Zadržite svoje Medicaid beneficije netaknute

Medicaid benefits support many of the disability services provided by LIFEPlan, including care management. To ensure you continue to receive Medicaid benefits, it is important that accurate information is relayed to Medicaid.

Changes in address, income, source of income, and amount of resources may require you to recertify. In addition, many people who receive Medicaid will need to recertify due to the ending of the public health emergency (PHE) that was in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Your Care Manager will help you with Medicaid recertification. Register for the Member and Family Forum below to learn more. 

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Šta treba znati o Medicaid recertifikaciji

Morate se ponovo certificirati za Medicaid ako je došlo do promjene u sljedećem:

  • Living arrangements (verify address, household members, rent, water bills)
  • Prihodi (navedite platne listove, poreske obrasce)
  • Resources (provide bank statements and other resources)
  • Osiguranje (davanje kartice osiguranja)
  • Satisfactory Immigration Citizenship (provide birth certificate, naturalization certificate, green card, employment authorization card, I-94)

Unless you are receiving SSI, you will need to recertify. It does not depend on the points listed previously.

Vaš menadžer za njegu će vas kontaktirati u decembru kako bi razgovarali o Medicaidu. Osim toga, paketi Medicaid recertifikacije će vam biti poslati poštom. Vaš Care Manager vam može pomoći da dovršite ovaj paket.

Recertification documents are time-sensitive. The due date is shown in bold on the first page of the recertification packet.

Odobrenja za recertifikaciju Medicaid-a izdaju se 30. dana sljedećeg mjeseca.

Ako osoba dobije SSI, ne mora da se resertifikuje.

Svi koji ne dobiju SSI moraće da se resertifikuju.

Medicaid recertifikacija je važna. Potražite pomoć od svog upravitelja skrbi!