Health Promotion

Health promotion for people with IDD

People with IDD need access to the same health programs and services as everyone else. In many cases, people with IDD face significant challenges in accessing quality health care. They may also have difficulties finding programs that promote fitness and wellness, resulting in pronounced health disparities and reduced life expectancy.  

LIFEPlan is committed to promoting inclusive health for its Members. Here are some resources that can help Members and their families lead healthy lives. 

Clinical support services 

The LIFEPlan Clinical Team is made up of medical and behavioral health professionals who promote good health practices and healthcare coordination while monitoring and improving health outcomes among Members. The Clinical team works collaboratively with Care Management, to ensure that Members have access to and receive the services they need to maintain optimal health.

Wellness includes all aspects of your life – your body, your mind, relationships, work, and more.”

– Dr. Jean Jacobson, Vice President of Clinical Services

Knowledge Center Icon

Knowledge Center

Many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have health needs in more significant numbers and severity than the general population. Maintaining your health and well-being can be difficult. The Knowledge Center provides information on the most common health concerns of the IDD population, such as dementia, physical therapy, stress, and diabetes.

Community Resource Tool Icon

Community Resource Tool

Find healthcare providers, including physicians and dentists, to contact about nutrition, fitness, and behavioral health. The Community Resource Tool (CRT) is a database of your community’s healthcare, fitness, and other IDD-specific resources. Whether you know what you’re looking for or need help finding services, searching is easy! There are over 10,000 entries that span New York State.

Featured partnerships

LIFEPlan’s commitment to health and well-being includes dedicated partnerships to enhance Care Management services for Members and their families.