Care Manager Helps Courtney Achieve her Dream of Obtaining Driver’s License



There are things we all struggle with. When Care Manager Nicole recognized Courtney’s struggle with anxiety, she knew what to do.


Nicole helped Courtney attain therapy to help her manage her anxiety. Therapy gave Courtney the coping skills she needed to help manage her anxiety and focus on her goals.


Goal one was learning to drive. Courtney had extreme anxiety when driving with her family. Through self-direction services, Nicole helped Courtney get the financial support she needed for private driving lessons, which helped build Courtney’s confidence. She now has driver’s license.


Goal two was living on campus while going to college. A fiscal intermediary was able to work with Courtney and Nicole to find the funding to pay for housing on campus. While living on campus, Courtney earned her Bachelor’s degree and is now enrolled in an online Master’s degree program.