Documentation Needed from Providers

Ensuring a complete Member record

Care Managers are expected to review all documents for accuracy including signature and date. The Care Manager will follow up with the Service Provider to work out any discrepancies. The following is a list of documents that Care Managers will request from Providers as applicable to each Member.

  • SAP/IPOP – Residential, Day Habilitation, Community Habilitation, Pre-Vocational, Supported Employment, Pathways to Employment
  • Safeguards – Respite
  • Behavioral Support Plans
  • Informed Consents (Rights Limitations)
  • Medication Monitoring Plan
  • Personal Expenditure Plan
  • Fire Assessment Plan
  • Nutrition/Dining Plan
  • Occupational Therapy Guidelines
  • Physical Therapy Guidelines
  • Comprehensive Functional Assessment (Willowbrook State Paid Members)
  • Annual Physical Exam
  • Nursing Summary/ Plans or Nursing Service (PONS)
  • Ready to Go Form
  • Lab Work/Radiology Reports
  • Discharge Summaries
  • Health Screenings (mammograms, colonoscopies, OB/GYN, etc.)
  • Psychological Evaluations
  • Psychiatric Records