A young man sorts items on a table

Still Work to be Done

LIFEPlan member, Brady Orr, typically attends Upstate Cerebral Palsy’s Tradewinds School, a supportive environment where he and others learn vocational skills to prepare them for employment and independent living.   Due to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, Brady has been home from school for the past 6 weeks.  As with many people diagnosed with Autism, the lack of routine and consistency in his…

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washing machine

CNY Care Manager Gets the Laundry Done

The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been stressful for many people, especially for people with a developmental disability.  Having to cope with managing changes in routine due to thevirus, and the impacts of quarantine and social distancing were creating challenges for one Central New York family.  And then they faced another…

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