Celebrating Women and Their Achievements

International Women’s Day has been around since 1911, with the goal of bringing about equality for women. For over 100 years, March 8 has been a day to celebrate diversity, equitability, and inclusivity, especially the achievement of women.

One of the many women we can look up to is Judy Heumann. Known as “The Mother of the Disability Rights Movement,” Heumann was just 18 months old when she contracted polio, which required her to use a wheelchair for mobility. She was denied the right to attend school at an early age because she was considered a “fire hazard” because of her wheelchair use. Later on in life, she had to fight to pass her teaching exam, even suing the New York Board of Education. Heumann eventually became the first wheelchair user to teach in New York state.

In 2020, Heumann was featured in a Sundance award-winning documentary called “Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution.” The film was also nominated for an Oscar award. Heumann has published two books: “Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist” and “Rolling Warrior.” Even though Heumann passed away in 2023, her legacy still lives on today.