Tips for Dating Success
by Kathy O’Connell, Founder of Radiant Abilities, LIFEPlan Guest Blogger
Are you feeling like nothing is changing in your dating life? Are prospects not working out? Maybe you have begun to give up on that elusive dream of finding someone that’s right for you, and the loneliness is finally ending.
What is for sure is that nothing will happen on hope alone. It often takes work and a lot of effort to get the results you want. Sometimes it’s not that hard and can be more about changing your mindset and planning.
There are Four things to consider to help you gain more success in dating:
1. Decide to do things differently
If you’ve been trying to date for a while and haven’t had much success, chances are you need to change up what you’re doing and your “dating mindset.” Maybe you need to join a new group (remember you can meet people virtually) or find a new way of communicating with others, which may give you more welcomed responses.
2. Work on letting go of the fear
If you’re human, you probably are at least a little intimidated by the thought of dating. And don’t even get me started on what people may think of your disability. But consider what may happen if you were able to let go of this fear of rejection and show up exactly as you are, feeling confident and peaceful.
Learn to be yourself with others, disability and all. Letting go of the fear does not mean you don’t have it. The fear just doesn’t stop you.
3. Make more meaningful connections
Often once you start to meet people and begin to get to know them, there’s a lot of foolish game-playing. You’re probably left feeling like, “There’s no one good for me to date!” Awww, but there is. Learn how to develop your own personal dating “policies” or rules that cut out the game-playing and lead you to more meaningful connections with people.
4. Develop a personal plan
So you’ve decided to do things differently, stop playing games, and make meaningful connections. Awesome, so now what? You need to create a step-by-step plan to help you stick to your commitment that things will be different for you this year.
The best way to do this is with a specific plan to hold yourself accountable, which can help you see the results you want. If you’re looking for guidance that will help you break down these steps, join my online workshop on “How to Put Yourself Out There for Dating Success’ or visit my website for tips.
If you’re looking for guidance that will help you break down these steps, join the free online workshop on “Exactly HOW Do I Make Dating Easier?” on August 22, or check out the Dating Made Easier membership.