OPWDD Certified Residential Opportunities Updates

Newly Amended CRO Process

Effective December 19, 2024, OPWDD released an Administrative Memorandum (ADM) detailing the newly amended Certified Residential Opportunity (CRO) process.

This ADM clearly outlines the roles and responsibilities of OPWDD staff, residential provider agencies, and Care Managers. Topics addressed in the ADM include:

  • Referral criteria, including an emphasis on exploring least restrictive housing options for the person supported
  • Information sharing between the Certified Housing Team (CHT), Care Coordination Organizations (CCO), and residential provider agencies
  • Required documentation for CRO referral packets
  • Certified residential referral review process by the CHT
  • Specific criteria for each category of residential support needed
  • Considerations for people moving from ineligible and specialized settings, as well as out of district and statewide referrals
  • Reporting requirements for changes and updates including change in circumstances that could affect priority status and change in Care Manager or CCO
  • Guidance for annual review and updates to active CRO referrals
  • Responsibilities of residential provider agencies to manage opportunities via updated site profiles, vacancy announcements, and reporting of internal moves within a residential program
  • Review and screening requirements for each category of residential support need
  • Instructions for residential providers to notify the Regional Field Office of any proposed admissions or internal moves
  • Due Process requirements
  • Dispute resolution and records retention guidelines

CRO applications will be housed electronically in the Capacity Management Application (CMA). Here is a visual timeline of the rollout provided by OPWDD:


OPWDD is hosting a training on the new ADM on January 10, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Please register in the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS) using this link: CRO ADM Training SLMS.