Equitable Healthcare 

Equitable healthcare

When you and your doctor talk about your health, it’s called Shared Decision-Making. You share information about your health history and what you need, and then you both agree on a plan. It’s important that your doctor listens to you and respects your beliefs, culture, and wishes. 

Your Care Manager is there to help you. They can: 

  • Ensure you have access to different healthcare providers who understand you, your culture, and your needs. 
  • Work with doctors to help you get the care you need. 
  • Help you get regular check-ups and see specialists if you need to. 

Remember, your Care Manager is here to help you on your journey to better health. Also, don’t forget the Community Resource Tool. It’s a great way to find medical professionals in your area. And here is another resource from The National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability (NCHPAD).